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Thursday, May 11, 2017


I used to think that praying was asking God for things, like favors.

Until one day I was watching an interview with Carolyn Myss and Lilou Mace, Carolyn read a prayer out loud and it was something like I have never heard before. Rather than asking for things, Professor Myss delivered a poem and soon it became clear, a prayer is not the equivalent to "rezar" which is the meaning I attached based on my Spanish understanding of the word, it is rather an "Alabanza", I understood that prayer's root is to "praise" to "elevate", to hold high in esteem and admiration.

So I realized prayer to God is not a petition but an expression of how does the love for God makes us feel, and where do we see it. A prayer is the poetry that comes out of the contemplation of God and its meaning to human kind. And soon I felt right there in the wing of God, the Mother, the Universe and the Awe! for my heart had spoken in prose since I can remember, my heart opened wide seeing how much love I had, and how blind I was.

That is why gratitude is the easiest most bare minimum we can do when praying , for gratitude does not ask but rather elevates both recipient and broadcaster.

Thank you



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