What is love?
Dare I say, where can I find it?
How does it look like,
And how does it taste like?
Where the sand meets the end of a wave, there is love
where the feeling to give overwhelms you, there is love
the space where magic and miracles come from,
that is a room full of love.
I get it, I will buy a beautiful house on the beach,
I will give away by the loads and study miracles
Then I will see love, right?
Love as we know it is a tricky thing,
We are taught that love is hearts, and bears and flowers
And we are not taught why.
The heart reminds us to flow and always come back to center,
bears are fierce creatures protectors and wild,
flowers remind us of the potential of a seed,
flowers teach us about diversity of beauty,
but overall these memes for love invite us to remember,
To remember that they are love themselves, they come from love and will go to love.
I am sure that if you take the journey you have planned out, you will see love
Not because there is a recipe, but because you are love wanting to find love
And once the intention to know yourself is set, nothing and none can stop that stream.