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Sunday, May 21, 2017

My comitment

The way I see it, one of the greatest fears I have had in my life has been the ability to commit, some may argue that his was because of my father did not commit to me, and those people may be partially right, however it is not only my father that showed me how to not commit, if anything his "on the face" lack of commitment was the best lighting that made clear the fact that people on earth have trouble committing. And I say people of earth, because I can only imagine that other entities, in higher realms, are committed to their existence, hence their longevity and their purpose on a large scale.

And just for the record, I dont believe in other life forms.... I KNOW... that there are countless of other beings that have been around for eons, and their existence permeates every layer of the known and unknown universes. There are beings in lower realms of existence, and also beings in higher realms of existence and this is truth.

But today, I am not expanding on other lives, I am expanding on my life and my insight, why? Because as above so below baby!!! If you are in the search for meaning, and truth, you know that the truth lays within you, and that you just have to scratch the surface of your own being to understand the macro and then... well you know the drill "How far down the rabbit hole you want to go?"

Back to commitment... I observe and people have lost their commitment, we go through life thinking that none can tie us down, because we are free... but are we really free or are we cowards and we can not commit, not to other, and not to ourselves, but to our purpose.

It is from the commitment to a purpose that the WORD gains power, and that the actions have meaning, when an ordinary person becomes a wizard, an architect of their own reality, an artist of their life.

It is my understanding that before we arrive, we know our mission, but it is only half of the mission, during our lives, not only must we remember the mission, but complete it and evolve.

Commitment to your purpose, once you find it... or at least when you can see the path, that may lead you to new views, new missions, new wonders... is a step that we must find.

Today, I can not claim that I have found my purpose in life, but I can say that I see the path in front of me, and I recognize it, because it feels like in my life... everything that has ever had meaning, everything that has left a print in my field, was a clue... a clue of the spiral I have walked for thousands of years, for within my shared experience lays the heart of a bigger purpose, a bigger being... a being called "humanity" and that is the path I see in front of me... To be the artist, that inspires, that creates, that calls on the eye of the stars and that is invited to savor the immensity of all the possibilities, the one that with a pure heart is called to guard those that need guarding, the one that is called to awaken those that are ready... That is who I aim and aspire to be one day, a representative of humanity in the higher orders of existence, to unlock the magic in me, to see energy in motion, to be energy in motion, to gain knowledge and to make it available to everyone so that they know where they came from, and so they can see the path of their own purpose.

My commitment is to the path of magic, knowledge love and humanity with an open heart, with reverence to the Goddess and God.

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