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Wednesday, June 2, 2010


We live in a time where we just know that Comunism has failed. But what if Marx was not wrong, he probably did the wrong application, but what if he was a visionary and a channel of galactic information. What if he actually saw the future in where there was no need for competition because our consiousness would be in a more advanced state where there would be no need for that. After all he did say that capitalism would take us there.

I am saying this because as 2012 approaches I have been a little bit more interested in all the theories around. I have my feet grounded that even tough the events that are happening and will happen are of concern, and might be taken as signals, I also think that they are just part of the change.

Not all the people will survive, not because they are not ready, but because it is not their time. I do not even know if I will be alive, but what I know is that there is so much evidence outside and even in our own world to ignore the fact that the shift is not only physical, but it is mostly spiritual and at a conssiousness level.

My theory is that all the turmoil of our days is just an externalization of the global consiuosness and a portrayal of our state of mind. The earthquakes mean that change is comming, that we are moving and that there is nothing we can do. The floods and storms mean we need cleansing in an urgent manner. And events of terrorims and the spill in the gulf just mean that no matter how much technology we think we have, or how civilized we assume we are, we still have no respect for oursleves or for the place we live in.

As many warning signs, we should take a hold of our surroundings and not be afraid but to face this time with courage and with determination. We are part of a galactic cycle that is about to end. The mayans left us a map to "enlightment" it is no a joke any more, it is a fact.

In buddhism, when one becomes a buddha (the enlighten one) one creates their own world, and is able to shape all around. I do not think I will see as much in 2012 as much as I would feel. We expect changes to be in our faces to believe, but they do not have to.

There are people all around the world that know about the coming change, we are only a spec in the universe, yet we mean so much. It is time for our planet to start a new stage and it is up to us to decide if we go along for the ride, or help to self destruct. (In every sense of the word)


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