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Sunday, August 20, 2017

Window of Powerful Transition

Its been a while since I last wrote, or published a PODCAST but soon I will have hopefully two brand new episodes very promising for me and for my path.

There is a new season starting and every layer of my being feels it. Its a moment to really be grateful. I have been blessed with many gifts in the last powerful weeks and they have been so subtle but so profound that to the naked eye may be nothing, but for me, its like I have been reborn anew.

I have been moving around with my family since the end of June and its all coming to a stop, to a phase of rest, I think this is the season to gather energy and prepare for the winter, to prepare for the darkness of days, and to conserve the teachings of this summer of 2017 that has been one of the most amazing yet.

In the coming days we have a lot of things happening... at least me, tomorrow there is a town celebration of the town where part of my family is from, and it is also my 33rd birthday (a very meaningful year for me) and a new moon, with a cherry on top which is the eclipse in this side of the hemisphere on the next day. Its amazing! Its like the Universe is screaming to me that its the new birth I have foreseen for so long. I am humble at the sight of the Universe, at the elements, at the Goddess, at darkness, at shadows, at the light.

For my my 33rd birthday is about mastery, and I have set myself earlier this year to decide what I was going to Master? I came up with a long list, and I have started my way... but the first of them, was to Master myself, one of the hardest things I have set myself to do. And even though I am not 100% there yet (and who knows if I ever will be at 100%) I am closer than I have ever had, and that has opened the doors to Master all the other things in my list, or at least to be in the way. This year hence is the year in which I take full responsibility of my path, and trust fully in the guidance within, the one that comes from the four corners of the universe and beyond.

The Eclipse this year is to me a powerful transmutation tool, and the effects extend beyond the days to come. I still remember the first eclipse I witnessed, I was 6 or 7 years old and I was humbled, questions and enigmas started silently to be fed inside of me, and now I see the union of the sun and the moon as a magical pass that we get to witness, a union a mathematical precision that is happening clockwork, while we are travelling through space at 300 kilometers per second or so. Its just beyond patterns, its a symphony. A day that will live in my code for as long as I am light.

Thank you

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