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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The moon and its eternal love

The moon and its eternal love

The moon could have spent the last 4.5 billion years
lamenting the monotony of its existence,
In a relationship with some other entity
that cant seem to shake off orbit,
every time it may think its getting far away it just gets pulled again.

But I bet the moon and the earth chose love,
Because the oceans exist,
I am sure they chose love as the music to their dance,
Because there is no other more powerful symbol for lovers than that moon,
There is no other symbol for magic like that moon,
There is no other mirror bigger to our true love than that moon.

Lo mío

Lo mío

La claridad de los cielos,
el ambiente templado de todo el año,
los cenotes sagrados,
las aguas cristalinas,
la jungla,
la vida,
un paraiso sin duda alguna.

Pero a la sangre no se le engaña,
lo mío son las montañas y el bosque,
lo mío es el desierto
y las lineas rocosas que pintan el horizonte,
lo mío es subir y sentir esa necesidad de respirar profundo,
lo mío es despertar en un valle rodeado de gigantes.

lo mío es resistir,
lo mío es desaparecer entre los cielos y los montes,
lo mío es renacer cuando la tierra lo amerita,
he de tener sangre de la abuela bendita
por que aún en el paraiso, anhelo mi valle y las rocas
el frio de las noches estrelladas,
el llamado de las historias ancestrales
que retumban sin fallo cada noche,
como una orquesta en el firmamento
Como un poema escrito hace muchos vientos.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

“Mexico 2 (283 palabras)”

Mayo 03, 2003
“Mexico 2 (283 palabras)”

Mi corazón te pertence
Pues mi alma tiene tus canciones
Y en mi pecho se sienten tus colores

Y cuando veo al horizonte
Veo tu belleza reflejada en un monte
Y cuando sale la luna
Se siente en el calor de la noche
El amor que tus jovenes
Niños y viejos emanan de sus corazones

Y es que son tus colores
También tu gente, mi gente
La que al mirarlos de frente
Me hace quererte mas México de mis amores.

Y aunque salí de ti por un tiempo
Tu nunca dejaste de estar dentro
Te llevo en cada uno de mis huesos
Y la bandera la llevo puesta
en cada uno se mis sueños

Y es que es verdad que nunca te voy a olvidar
Por que me diste patria y por quien luchar
Me enseñaste que como una águila debo de estar
Para derrocar al enemigo antes de que nos queira asechar

Y es que ahora también se
Que ser mexicano no es solo traer el tequila en mano
Ser tu hija es un honor y un regalo
Ser mexicana no es solo comer tacos
Ser mexicana es mas familia y respeto
Es “la neta” como dice la juventud de tu tierra,
Es tener inyectados en la sangre la fé y la esperanza
Es sentirse unidos
Es gritar juntos “Viva México” y sentirlo.

Esto es para ti México
Va por el verde de tus campos
Por el blanco de tu alma,
Y por el rojo de todo el amor que siento po ti.

Esto va por tu bandera, tu escudo, y tu himno
Va por tus campos, tus mares, tus montañas y rios
Va por mis antepasados, por tus indigenas,
Tambien por tus niños y por todos tus mexicanos
Va por el pais más bonito que ha existido
Sobre la faz de la tierra.
Va por ti México lindo y querido,
Por que otro como tú
Ni en otra galaxia encontrariamos.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019

The day that humanity walked

On the platform of its 12 apostols it rised and humanity walked,
it rose to the heavens
and the oceans parted
and creation 
forever changed.

Friday, September 27, 2019


From today until I cease to be,
I am harvesting my deep love's returns,
for I have loved and gained.
Ripples of light will forever carry me
to my eternal slumber where I
shall be one again.

Friday, April 26, 2019

A mile on shoes 488 years old

A mile on shoes 498 years old

Don't steal my thunder!
I've waltzed this road on my own,
I've listen to the air, and the water and the fire and the earth,
I've fallen down and gotten up again.

Don't ask me to give you my burden,
Don't take my merit,
I've suffered and I've cleansed,
I've cleansed strangers that i will never met,
And I didn't ask them for anything,
I did not ask that they believe in me,
I did not ask that they give me their soul,
And now you want to take my win?
Like a vulture

Because I seem desperate?
I am desperate to regain my health,
But I know I will get it back
How dare you use the open door I give your kind
How dare you use my invitation to try to crop my soul?
And I know it was not Jesus
Because him and I have been cool since a while back
He offered me his tribe but he also loved me and respected me for choosing to walk my own path
Him and I are one of a kind
You have a hold on ego of those who follow him,
you make his church tainted,
He has their heart,
but you still hold a grip on their minds.

But my soul is mine
It may be broken
It may be incomplete
but I've lost it and regained it
all on my own,
because that was my choice,
don't use the name of my brother to take our win,
don't use the angels of his members to open doors that otherwise you know you would never see,
You did this with my brothers and sisters 498 years ago,
But not now.

I was raised by your tribe,
And i'm not as innocent as they were 498 years past
I can see you very clear now,
And I dare you use the serfs again to come claim what I have earned with my pain, blood and sweat
Its 498 years later and we wont renounce her,
Its 498 years later and we stand by her,
Its 498 years later and you wont erect a palace on top of my temple.

I am of the God and the Goddess
I serve them
And through them I forgive you
For you did not know who you were dealing with
May love and grace continue to shower the hearts of those that you have a grip on
Their minds will follow sooner or later
You may find a new home
But you will never get my soul.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


You were an adventure
I crossed the threshold
I saw the other side
I opened my eyes

You were the adventure
The adventure that my life was meant to have
you were the threshold
You were the mountain that I was meant to climb

The adventure turned you into my tormentor
the adventure shook
the adventure showed me to hold on
to get the last drop
of that sweet nectar that was your love.

But you were just an adventure
You were my door
I would have never lost my self
and I would have never go on a quest
to get back what I lost on my way down.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Bend Space like Neo

Bend Space like Neo

My face is covered
but my heart is open.
The tears of past
are now forgotten.

The blues are behind now,
I bend space like Neo now,
build a maze with a trio
there is no more debris en mi camino.

Monday, February 18, 2019



High Quality skeleton waiting Blank Meme Template

Creating is a byproduct of being human,
If we take a breath, we create CO2,
If we think, we create our reality,
Movement is glorified and praised
Growth is put in a pedestal yet,
What is really challenging sometimes is to wait,
To hold down the ground,
To fill the space between breaths,
To let life pass by, 
Yet more challenging is to be content
to accept our faiths as those who wait
to accept the juice and receive the gift of patience,
to wait until patience becomes faith,
and to wait until faith becomes truth.

So if you are waiting,
If you are holding down the ground,
if you're listening and observing,
if you record without judge,
Thank you!
Take a bow and accept your speed,
we are all wrong,
growth for growth's sake is cancer
growth for a purpose is life,
so if you feel like you are waiting,
and you are not creating,
fill the space between the breaths,
and go on a quest of truth,
for the gifts of the juice are yours.