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Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Labels out of the pantry and into the 3D

When we think of labels, what do we think of? Some might say, we mean a tool to learn, and others will say its tool to organize, others will say its a tool to identify. In essence, we can say that they are useful, that they have been able to withstand the test of time, and to this date, a world without labels will just fall off the orbit in more ways than one. The evolution of labels has penetrated the digital divide, programs would collapse if all of the sudden we decided that labels were no longer appropriate.

So what is the debate about labels, in society? The labels that we put ourselves must in theory serve a purpose, but it is important then that we are aware of this so we can use it to our own advantage. That is why first impressions are crucial, because we do not know in what mode are the people outside our world labeling us. Yet the world confuse us by dividing us, in those that think labels are good and go by them, and those that think labels are bad and go against norm in general to prove a point, reinforcing the point of the others. Because the reality is not in which side is right or wrong. The solution is in the truths that those two positions share in common. There is the potential for peace. Yet to those that the division is evident can use this to their advantage, or they can observe, get out the divide and be able to see a different point of view and be an example of a life outside the divide. Not by proclamation but by just living their life outside the divide. Interacting with those in both sides, breaking the paradigm. Disruptive that do not create chaos, rather they offer an option outside the divide.

Labels then, are just a topic, like labels, there are many ideas that divide us, but there are also alternatives, and often the alternative is a personal choice of tolerance and responsibility of the actions that our ideas commit us to.

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